Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Praise and Worship "Laying The Foundation"

Grace & Peace Ladies.
We are studying the 1st Lesson from our book
Praise & Worship,"Becoming Worshipers of God"

I will be coming out of the book you have been studying and will tie in chapters from the book of Exodus, in regards to the tabernacle of Moses.
Why study the Tabernacle of Moses? Because this is our foundation as to how God instructed the way the tabernacle should be built and how they are to worship Him.

You see we can't just go to God any kind of way, we can't bum rush God. There is a way to approach our God. The bible states in John 4:24 "God is a Spirit and they that WORSHIP Him MUST worship Him in spirit and in truth."
You see that is a command right there, instructions on how to worship God. The Command is MUST, He didn't say should, or I wish you would, He said MUST.
Because God is a spirit, and it is our spirit that communes with him, not our flesh the "outer court" We have to move pass the flesh, for the flesh does not please the Father.

David, ah yes....King David was a true worshiper. David teaches us in Psalms 100:4 to" Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, And into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name."
So with this scripture being quoted, I can visualize the Tabernacle. The word tabernacle means tent, dwelling place, a sanctuary. It was a tent like structure, movable, with portable furniture that the children of Israel traveled with and set up wherever they pitched camp. The tabernacle would be in the middle of the camp, and the 12 tribes of Israel would set up their tents around it according to tribe.

The instruction on how to build the tabernacle was first given to Moses in the wilderness, who then gave the orders to the Israelites.

“…make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.” (Exodus 25:8)
“Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God. They will know that I am the Lord their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them.” (Exodus 29:45-46)

The tabernacle was Temporary, God's dwelling place amongst His people. Each part of the tabernacle teaches us a spiritual lesson concerning the Person and the work of Jesus Christ, as well as a way to approach God.

The tabernacle was first erected in the wilderness exactly one year after the Passover when the Israelites were freed from their Egyptian slavery.

The priesthood reminded the people that sin had created distance between them and God. The only way that they could draw close to God was through the priesthood (Representatives) that was appointed by God.
The Aaronic priest would enter daily into the tabernacle of Moses. The priests atoned for the sins of the people through a sacrifice at the brazen altar, but they cleansed themselves at the laver before ministering in the Holy Place, so that they would be pure and not die before a holy God.
It's something how we don't have the fear of God in us any more, that we will do what we are big and bad enough to do Monday thru Saturday being "Chris" instead of christians or Meances- instead of Ministers, then on Sundays we got a nerve to stand in the pulpit and try to preach to God's people when we didn't even stop by the laver to be CLEANSED of our sin. God is still the same God and will strike one Dead. For coming in his presence unclean.

So in studying lesson one:
  • We learn what is praise
  • What is worship
  • What is the difference between praise and worship
  1. In your own words define what is praise and then define what is worship.
  2. Why do we praise God?
  3. What are some of the benefits in worship?
  4. What characterized Abraham's act of worship as he was to offer up his son as a sacrifice?
  5. There are487 occurrences in the bible for praise, list three scriptures on praise and what does it mean to you?
  6. Name someone in the Old Testament whom you can identify with that was a worshiper and why do you relate to that individual?
  7. Can any one explain what a type is? Example the Old Testament was a type of New Testament.
  8. Name two positions of worship?
I have laid a basic foundation and have not read lesson two as of yet but I have just taken a glance of it and I give God the glory for the confirmation because it is my desire to teach you the importance of the tabernacle and the articles that is in the tabernacle and what it typifies, for each is a shadow or type of something to come.
Thank you for your time and patience and I hope you all enjoyed our first lesson....Laying the foundation